Pixar has mastered the art of storytelling, not only in its feature-length films but also in its delightful and heartwarming short films. These shorts, often shown before the main Pixar and Disney movies, have captured the hearts of audiences around the world with their imaginative plots, endearing characters, and valuable life lessons.

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Get ready to laugh, cry, and feel all the feels as we take a joyous plunge into these uplifting and touching tales. Just don't forget the tissues — you might need them.

8 Geri's Game

An animated, smiling old man in an autumnal setting with chess pieces laid out in front of him

Geri's Game is a delightful and humorous short that proves age is just a number. Geri, an aging chess enthusiast, plays a lively game against himself in the park. Though it may seem like he's competing with his twin, it's just Geri (and his dentures) solely having a bit of fun.

This clever and charming short reminds us that age should never stop us from having a playful spirit and enjoying life's little games. Who needs a chess rival when you can outwit yourself and show those youngsters that you've still got it?

7 For The Birds

animated birds on a line, most are small and one is very large

For the Birds is a hilarious cautionary tale about cliques and the perils of being judgmental. A group of small birds sits comfortably on a telephone wire until an awkward and larger bird tries to join them. Cue the hilarity and snickers as the feathered bullies get their comeuppance.

This funny and quirky short serves as a delightful reminder to embrace diversity and avoid flock mentality. This Pixar gem pecks its way into our hearts, reminding us that there's always room on the wire for one more, no matter the size or shape.

6 Partly Cloudy

an animated cloud and stork laughing in the skies

Ever wondered where babies come from? Partly Cloudy has the answer, and it's just as whimsical as you might expect. Cloud people sculpt and deliver babies to storks, but these cloud babies aren't always the easiest to handle.

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This endearing short celebrates the bond between creators and their creations, teaching us the value of embracing our differences and finding beauty in the unexpected. It reminds us that even the fluffiest of creations come with their quirks, and it's those quirks that make the journey of love and acceptance all the more magical.

5 La Luna

animated boy in space surrounded by a pile of glowing golden stars

Oh, how we love La Luna, a timeless fable about a young boy's coming-of-age journey in a peculiar setting. Accompanied by his Papa and Grandpa, the boy is introduced to their unusual line of work during a boat trip at sea. The twist? They work in the moon!

As the boy grapples with conflicting opinions and traditions, we are reminded of the importance of finding our own path, even amidst the influence of loved ones. La Luna shines brightly with its enchanting visuals and profound life lessons.

4 Piper

A small animated bird on sandy ground

Piper is a heartwarming tale of a brave sandpiper hatchling facing her fears head-on. With stunning animation, the short captures the essence of bravery and resilience as Piper embarks on a daring journey to find her own food.

The adorable visuals and touching narrative combine seamlessly, creating a cinematic gem that will undoubtedly leave a smile on your face. It's a testament to Pixar's storytelling prowess, reminding us all of the courage within and the beauty that awaits beyond our comfort zones.

3 Bao

Animated woman cradling a smiling Bao bun

An incredibly lovely story, we have Bao. This touching short takes us on a delectable adventure through the lens of a Chinese immigrant community in Canada. The story follows an aging mother who gets a surprise second chance at motherhood when one of her dumplings comes to life.

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As she watches her dumpling boy grow up at an alarming rate, she learns that parenthood is a bittersweet journey of letting go. Bao serves up a tasty plate of family dynamics and cultural insights, making it a heartwarming treat for all ages.

2 The Blue Umbrella

Animated umbrellas with faces looking at each other in the rain

The Blue Umbrella is a rain-soaked romance that'll leave you feeling warm and fuzzy. In the bustling city, two umbrellas — one blue, one not — fall head over handles in love during a rainy evening. This beautifully animated short, with inanimate objects displaying human emotions, teaches us that love can be found in the most unexpected places, even amid the drizzle.

So, next time you find yourself caught in a downpour, keep an eye out for any love-struck umbrellas. This short will leave you wondering if your own household items have secret lives filled with love and adventure.

1 Lava

Animated volcano smiling as he witnesses a whale jumping out of the water

Lava is a musical love story that spans millions of years. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of tropical islands and ocean volcanoes, Lava tells the tale of two volcanoes longing for companionship.

With its catchy tune and stunning visuals, this short erupts with emotion and reminds us that love can endure through the ages. Just be prepared to bring some tissues… or well, the whole tissue box. This Pixar short will surely make your heart melt like lava flowing down a mountainside.

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