Much like every fanbase of a major gaming franchise, there's a certain subsection of Final Fantasy fans that like to throw their toys out of the pram whenever the series does something new. Whether that be leaving nasty comments in trailers, fighting with other fans on social media, or hurling abuse at the developers themselves, these individuals will go out of their way to be as toxic as possible about a series they supposedly love. It's something that Final Fantasy 16 producer Naoki Yoshida, also known as Yoshi-P, has had enough of.

In a mini-documentary that was broadcast in Japan (translated by Audrey Lamsam of Aitai Japan), Yoshi-P talks about reading negative Japanese comments about Final Fantasy 16, explaining that he finds it weird when people shout and scream at developers and finds the entire concept "tiresome".

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"There's a lot of people who just yell at you, people I've never seen, met, or talked to before. It's weird," says Yoshidas. "What did we do to them? Perhaps they just write it from a place of negativity and malice. It's tiresome."

Obviously, this isn't specific to the Final Fantasy community. If you've been on the Internet for any length of time, you'll know that every fanbase is capable of harboring a hoard of toxic little goblins ready to pounce if their personal needs aren't met. Yoshi-P is likely referring to this type of individual rather than anyone trying to provide constructive criticism. It makes sense he'd be getting this kind of negativity from the Japanese side of the community though, considering how much Final Fantasy 16 has been inspired by Western media this time around.

Thankfully, Yoshi-P can attempt to ignore most of that stuff as Final Fantasy 16 is both a critical and commercial success. Square Enix itself has said the game's sales are strong despite all of the hulabaloo over sales numbers this past few weeks, and fans are clamouring for DLC.

Yoshi-P himself even hinted at what some potential DLC might actually look like, as he recently claimed in an interview that he'd like to explore Cid's background a little more. There's also a mysterious crystal near Sanbreque that could be a potential location for some extra story content, but we'll unfortunately have to wait for an official announcement to see if these have anything to do with some DLC.

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