With the new degree of control, and the ability to create pretty much anything you can think up, The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom is filled with a lot of potential for wild experiments. You’ve probably already made a handful of unique inventions, but there are so many more you can try.

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You can experiment with all the different things you can build in order to achieve different goals, but it’s also important that you spend some time experimenting with your equipment as well. With a little bit of experimentation, you’ll find a ton of new tricks to use as you play.

10 The Korok Cannon

Korok Kannon Tears Of The Kingdom

With enough patience and ingenuity, you too can build yourself a mighty Korok cannon. You might be wondering what exactly a Korok cannon is, but it really is as simple as the name would suggest; it’s a fantastic way to send a Korok flying.

The big invention is a bit situational, but if you ever need to reunite a Korok with their friend, it becomes a great option to make things move much quicker. Just set up the machine, put a tiny little Korok in position, and watch them go absolutely flying.

9 The Shield Skateboard

Link grinds on a cart rail

You probably already know all about shield surfing in Tears Of The Kingdom, but you might not have been aware that you can basically make your own shield skateboard too. There are a number of ways you can do this, but one of the most common ways is to fuse a mine cart to your shield.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to grind on all the rails you’ll find throughout the game. The little experiment also works as a great way to help you travel around a bit faster, especially if you’re headed downhill.

8 The Goblin Glider

Tears Of The Kingdom Goblin Glider

There have been tons of great inventions made by players so far, and one that you might want to experiment with is what most people are referring to as the goblin glider, a reference to the Spider-Man foe, The Green Goblin.

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The simple glider just requires a steering stick and a couple of fans. Once you’ve made the handy little vehicle, you’ll be able to zip across Hyrule with shocking ease. The world just seems to be a lot simpler with a goblin glider for whatever reason.

7 The Shield Glider

Link standing on a glider with the shape of a bird.

Another great shield experiment is the shield glider. This simple little combination of the shield of your choice (most will prefer a weaker shield) and one of those big gliders fused together allows for a surprising amount of great combat tweaks.

For whatever reason, this combination gives you a lot of extra height on your jumps when you add in that hop that you get from beginning a shield surf. From there, you’re able to pull out your bow mid-jump from a standing position to get instant slowed time mid-combat.

6 The Air Bomber

Tears Of The Kingdom Air Bomber

There are a lot of different names for this sort of invention. You could call it an attack helicopter, a battle plane, an air drone, or an air bomber. The point is, you’ll be flying around while dishing out all kinds of pain to any enemies that you encounter.

There are tons of unique ways to build a device like this so it’s best to take the time and figure out what your unique flying combat needs are. However you make your craft, just add a couple of cannons and be ready to mow your foes down.

5 Battle Boat

Tears Of The Kingdom Boat

Much like the various aircraft that you can make, you can also make a variety of boats to serve the exact same purpose. You’ll likely have more experience in the game building boats than you do flying vehicles, so something like this shouldn’t be too hard.

You can make a lot of horrifying boats that will absolutely decimate any enemies both in and out of the water. This is also a great option for traversing with a Korok friend in a safe and simple way, though the applications will be a bit more limited than some other creations.

4 Build A Spinning Top Of Death

Tears Of The Kingdom Spinning Top

One of the wildest inventions that players have been messing around with is the idea of a weaponized spinning top. You can try a ton of different weapon combinations, but lasers and flame emitters seem to work best.

As an added bonus, the flame emitters will burn the ground around the top, allowing you to fly into the air as long as there is grass to burn. An experiment like this can damage foes and put you in a great position to pick off any of the others who managed to survive the destruction.

3 The Shield Bomb

Tears Of The Kingdom Shield Bomb Fuse

Never underestimate the sheer amount of things you can fuse to your shield and the incredible applications that those fuse combos can have. You may have never even thought about it but a great idea is to experiment with fusing explosive barrels or bomb flowers to your shield.

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That may sound like a horrifying idea for a lot of reasons, but it’s actually fantastic. If you ever need a quick way to get some distance from enemies or to reach a high ledge, do a shield jump and you’ll quickly launch yourself into the sky.

2 Build A Tank

Tears Of The Kingdom Tank

At this point, you know you can make battle boats and battle planes, so you should know that you can make a variety of tanks and battle cars. Obviously, this is a fantastic option for you to go to when you need to get across the land of Hyrule.

Depending on how you build the device, you can even make it so you can get inside it and be relatively safe from the dangers of the world. You can make it as deadly or speedy as you want to fit what your needs are at any given moment.

1 Build A Mech

Tears Of The Kingdom Mech

One of the most incredible things that players have managed to figure out is that you can go ahead and craft your very own mech. Be warned, building a functional and useful mech is no easy task, so it will take plenty of practice without a guide.

The fact that you can build your own combat mech in a Zelda game is incredible, and the power that the mech can wield can make some situations incredibly trivial. You’ll want a lot of energy available for something like this, but it's one of the best things you can experiment with building.

Next: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Essential Tips And Tricks For Exploring Hyrule