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If you're a fan of Nintendo games in any capacity. You've likely heard of Pikmin. The series of sci-fi adventure games have been around since 2001, building a loyal fanbase thanks to its creative approach to real-time strategy elements in a macro-view of a nature-claimed modern landscape. Every game follows the same theme: You land on a strange planet and befriend an army of colorful little creatures known as Pikmin.

RELATED: Every Type Of Pikmin And What They Do

But what exactly ARE Pikmin? These weird-looking creatures seem to have both plant and animal qualities. And with their simplicity of design and not abundantly clear lore, it can be hard for someone to grasp what a Pikmin is supposed to be. Fortunately, we've dived deep into databanks and mission logs to find out everything you need to know about Pikmin.

A Quick Summary Of What Pikmin Are

Pikmin Can't Reach a high spot in Pikmin 4

Pikmin are small, colorful humanoid creatures with a leaf sprout coming out of the top of their heads. They are found on an alien planet known as PNF-404. When discovered by the protagonists of the game series, they will loyally follow them around en masse, providing support through carrying heavy objects, building structures, and attacking hostile enemies. They are mainly thrown at their targets by the protagonist.

When not in use, Pikmin live inside a bulb structure called an Onion. When out and about, Pikmin will collect nutrient sources, such as flower pellets and slain enemies, and bring them back to the Onion. Doing so will cause seeds to shoot out, falling to the ground and propagating into more Pikmin.

There are nine varieties of Pikmin, each with unique qualities, such as Red Pikmin being fireproof and Blue Pikmin being capable of swimming. Pikmin do not need to eat. But they can consume sap to progress along the blooming phase, stopping at a fully bloomed flower. This is their more powerful form.

Why Are They Called Pikmin?

Pikpik carrots in the menu in Pikmin 4

They were named "Pikmin" by the protagonist of the first game, Olimar, who said that plucking them from the ground reminded him of a type of vegetable back home known as a Pikpik Carrot. Their name is a combination of "Pikpik Carrot" and "Men."

Development wise, the creatures were often refered to by the dev team as "ippiki," which means "a small animal" in Japanese. An assosiate for the project misheard is as "Piki," which reminded them of words like "Pick Me" and "Vitamin," so they kept it, eventually settling on Pikmin.

In Pikmin 4, the Pikpik Carrot is introduced as a usable item. You are given the particularly bitter leftovers from the ship's storage to feed to enemies, where the harsh flavor will temporarily paralyze them.

Where Do Pikmin Come From?

View of Sun-Speckled Terrace In Pikmin 4

Pikmin are first found on a planet known as PNF-404. This stands for "Planet Not Found, Error Code 404" and means that the planet they live on is uncharted in the game's universe. They're first discovered when a man named Olimar crash lands his ship onto the planet after being struck by an asteroid.

PNF-404 is a strange land. The air is comprised of oxygen, which is toxic to Olimar's species. It also appears to be home to gigantic plant life, along with ancient relics of a past civilization. Or that's the narrative, at least. Closer examination shows that this planet seems extremely similar to real-life Earth, with things like toys, machines, and food that we know in the real world. You can even find Duracell brand batteries.

A common theory is that this is indeed Earth and that Olimar and the Pikmin are extremely small compared to us. This is indirectly confirmed through various promotional media by Nintendo, which describe Pikmin as about an inch tall.

Are Pikmin Plants Or Animals?

Red Pikmin Drinking Sap In Pikmin 4

The games never make it clear if Pikmin are fully plants or animals, often referring to them as hybrids of the two. The first assumption is that they are animals since they can move, talk, and have a face. But closer examination makes it more complicated. They appear to undergo a blooming phase, developing flower buds that bloom into proper flowers.

They share plant-like qualities, like reproducing from seeds, growing leaves, and blooming flowers. They appear to be able to live and thrive without the need for regular food intake, too. Their hands and feet are said to act as a root system in various logs by Olimar.

They are also like animals, though. The clear examples are the ability to move and vocalize, but they can also do things like eat food (or sap, in most cases), and sleep inside nests, also known as Onions.

Are Pikmin Real?

Red Pikmin in Pikmin 4

It may sound silly, but it's a valid question, all the same. With the various games playfully referencing real-world objects and the super small size Pikmin have, it's understandable to wonder if Pikmin may be based on a real-life creature or plant.

Unfortunately, no. Pikmin themselves aren't real. There's a common theory that their overall concept and design is based on Mandrake Roots, which is a real world plant root with an interesting folklore behind them. These roots, often appearing humanoid, are said to sometimes be living creatures that will perform services for people, but also have a scream so painful that it would kill whoever plucked them.

However, it's important to note that the developers of Pikmin have not attributed the Mandrake as the inspiration behind their design. In an interview with the creators of the series, they reveal that the game originally would be animals with computer chips in their heads to mind control them. Their design was later changed to appeal to high school aged girls, resulting in the Pikmin we know now.

Are Pikmin Slaves?

An overlook of home base in Pikmin 4

It can easily look like Olimar has dominating control over all of the Pikmin he gathers. He commands them, controls who gets to leave the nest, and makes them jump into dangerous scenarios that may lead to their death. But know that Pikmin are not actually forced to do any of this. Their teamwork and overall cooperation is done willingly on their part.

The games describe them as obedient creatures, and they choose to stick with you because they are safer that way. We like to believe that they do so willingly because, with your help, they can more effectively collect nutrients and defeat enemy creatures for a food supply. They choose to follow you and can leave whenever they want. A good example of this is with the Dondori battles in Pikmin 4, where your party will refuse to enter the tunnels with you.

Think of it more as a symbiotic relationship instead of forced servitude.

Next: Scariest Enemies In The Pikmin Series