The Elder Scrolls Online's newest chapter, Necrom, is bringing back Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of knowledge. You know, the big ugly gloopy floating eyeball-and-tentacle mess? They have a few minor appearances in the base ESO, but for their return, they'll be voiced by Skyrim's Wes Johnson.

Johnson is renowned among TES fans for playing fan-favourite cheese huffer Sheogorath, Oblivion's arena announcer, the aforementioned Hermaeus Mora in Skyrim, and even Daedric Princes Molag Bal, Malacath, and Boethiah in Morrowind. They didn't reprise their past roles for ESO, but they appeared as Ard Caddach in the Markarth DLC.

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Hermaeus Mora had a pretty big role in Skyrim, so if you've played through the College of Winterhold questline and Dragonborn DLC, you'll be familiar with their voice. We're tasked with finding Septimus Signus who is trying to open an ancient Dwemer lockbox, requiring blood from each Elven race. It turns out that Hermaeus Mora led him to the box, but when Septimus finally opens it, Hermaeus Mora kills him, leaving us to pillage its treasure.

In Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC, we not only meet Hermaeus Mora again, but venture into his realm of Apocrypha. It's a giant, sickly green swamp with mountains of books guarded by Lovecraftian monsters, housing the first Dragonborn, Miraak, who was tutored by Hermaeus Mora in return for his life. Now, we'll get to see our pal (read: backstabbing all-knowing floating eye) again, and he won't just look the same, he'll sound the same.

If you haven't played any previous Elder Scrolls games, you might know Wes Johnson from Fallout - he voices Mr Burke, Fawkes, Moe Cronin, The Silver Shroud, and Mr Fluffy to name a few. He's appeared in Fallout 3, 4, and 76, so he's been around the block when it comes to Bethesda flagships.

Fans are ecstatic to see him back again, with some commenters on the news (as shared by UESP) sharing the "Return of the King" title card, calling him "The one and only Hermaeus Mora", and simply tweeting, "YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH". Understandable.

Johnson is making a comeback, but there's still one character fans are eagerly waiting to find out about - Miraak. We meet them in Skyrim (given that they're the main villain of the Dragonborn DLC), but they've been locked away in Apocrypha since the First Era. ESO is set during the Second Era, i.e. before we kill him in Skyrim and after he's trapped, so a trip to Apocrypha could mean finding the first Dragonborn.

We'll have to wait to find out, as Necrom doesn't release until June 5.

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