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Pokemon Go is debuting a new type of event for the first time called Hatch Days, centered around the game's egg-hatching mechanic and offering several bonuses related to it. Each of these events will feature a specific Pokemon, increasing their likelihood of being hatched throughout the duration of the event.

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The first Hatch Day will feature Riolu, taking place on Saturday, July 22, from 2pm local time to 5pm local time. With this being a brand-new event only available for three hours, we have made sure that you can find everything you need to know about the first of Hatch Day in Pokemon Go below.

Riolu with five 2 km Eggs around them from Pokemon Go, all in a grassy field

The featured Pokemon for this Hatch Day will be Riolu, the Emanation Pokemon. Throughout this three-hour event, the chances of hatching Riolu from 2 km Eggs will be significantly increased.

Additionally, Riolu hatched from Eggs during this event will have increased chances of being Shiny. Make sure to take advantage of this, as this is a great chance to obtain the Shiny variation of this rare Pokemon.

Event Bonuses

Several different Pokemon Go Eggs and Incubators, with the Pokemon Go logo above

There will be two additional bonuses available to all players throughout this event. First, hatching Eggs will provide you with twice the Stardust that it typically does. Make sure to hatch as many Eggs as possible to maximize the amount of Stardust you gain.

Use the Star Piece item to increase the Stardust that you gain by 50 percent, lasting for 30 minutes.

Pairing this with the double Stardust bonus of this event will further increase the amount of this valuable resource that you earn.

The second bonus that you will benefit from during this event will be increased chances of receiving 2 km Eggs from spinning Poke Stops. With Riolu hatching from this specific type of Egg, make sure to take advantage of this.

Event Research

Professor Willow with Pikachu on his shoulder, with Mew and the Pokemon Go logo on the right

Event Field Research Tasks

Spin Poke Stop Photo Discs for a chance to earn Event Field Research Tasks during the Hatch Day Event. You can earn either Candy, Great Balls, XP, or Berries by completing these limited-time Event Research Tasks.

Event Timed Research

There will also be Timed Research available during this Hatch Day Event, free to all players who log in during the three hours of this event. Completing this Event Timed Research will earn you a Super Incubator.

This Timed Research needs to be completed, and all rewards need to be claimed, prior to the end of this Hatch Day Event.

Next: Pokemon Go: Moltres Raid Guide