Both Genshin Impact and Immortals Fenyx Rising take inspiration from Breath of the Wild, with similarities coming in both visual design and some gameplay mechanics. They're both great games in their own right, too, offering players unique experiences that are both worthy of investing time into.

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Despite their similarities, both games are very different, each has strengths and weaknesses compared to the other, which makes it easier for players to decide which they'll prefer.

Immortals Fenyx Rising: Traversal

Immortals Fenyx Rising Fenyx Gliding

One of the best parts of Immortals Fenyx Rising is the different ways to travel around its fairly substantial world. Fenyx has access to a wide range of different mounts, all of which offer unique appearances, allowing you to mix and match their outfits.

The gliding system is the real highlight though, with Fenyx's BOTW glider-inspired wings giving you the ability to jump off any high point on the map and fly across large expanses of land. It's a thrill that never gets old and gives you an opportunity to take in some of the beauty the game's world has to offer.

Genshin Impact: Crafting

Genshin Impact Crafting At Blacksmiths

Genshin Impact offers a lot of different options with its crafting system, giving you the ability to craft weapons, consumables, and artefacts. As a result of this, you get a lot of opportunities to craft unique items, and each new update brings a new set of recipes to the game.

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It also means that rather you can grind towards certain items — weapons, in particular — allowing a lot more flexibility in playstyles. Rather than being locked behind specific quests or events, a fair amount of the weapons in Genshin Impact, especially in the early game, can be crafted.

Immortals Fenyx Rising: Dense World

Immortals Fenyx Rising Orb Puzzles

The Golden Isle isn't a big open world, but it does make sure that within its borders there is always something for players to do. Whether it's a constellation puzzle, one of Hermes' time trials, or a hidden boss fight, you will constantly be stumbling onto new areas and events.

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There are also enemies dotted all over the map, so combat encounters are incredibly frequent too. Immortals manages to pack a lot of content into its world, and it ensures you will never get bored as you adventure from quest to quest.

Genshin Impact: Co-op Mode

Beidou with a dog and markets in a realm

Genshin Impact offers multiplayer options for its players, with a team of four being able to come together to explore its giant world. It isn't available immediately upon starting the game, but after a few hours of solo play, the option will unlock. Although there are some minor restrictions, it's an enjoyable mode to play the game in.

The majority of the game's Domains and quests can be tackled in co-op, and there are even some unique events that are only accessible in multiplayer mode. Enemy difficulty also scales depending on the number of players too, ensuring the game doesn't become too easy when playing with multiple people.

Immortals Fenyx Rising: Dungeons/Puzzles

Immortals Fenyx Rising Myths of the Eastern Realm Myth Challenge

Immortals has a lot of puzzles and dungeons for players to discover and complete, with the Vaults of Tartaros acting in a similar way to the shrines in Breath of the Wild. Whilst they're not as varied as Link's open-world adventure, they're engaging enough to keep you coming back, and the rewards are pretty great too.

RELATED: Immortals Fenyx Rising: The Best Vaults (& How To Complete Them)

A lot of the puzzles include cool lore tidbits too, with references to numerous Greek tales and a lot of jokes being made between Zeus and Prometheus, who narrate the game. The orb puzzles in particular are a fan-favorite, and are essentially a mini-game included throughout the Golden Isles.

Genshin Impact: Free Content Updates

Genshin Impact All Characters

One of the best parts of Genshin Impact is the fact that new content is always coming to the game, with each update bringing new characters, items, and quests into an already content-packed game. Every six weeks, new content is added to the game, with each drop acting similarly to seasons in other games especially because of the limited-time content that comes in each release.

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Some of these updates also introduce new areas into the world of Teyvat, such as the Dodo Land area from the game's 1.6 update. This ensures that even long-term Genshin Impact players won't run out of things to do, even with hundreds of hours of playtime.

Immortals Fenyx Rising: Greek Mythology

Immortals Fenyx Rising Gods Together

Immortals' cast and story are both heavily based on Greek mythology, with characters such as Zeus, Typhon, and Aphrodite all making appearances in the game. Most of the quests are themed on Greek myths too, with references made to events such as the love triangle between Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Ares.

The various gods play off each other brilliantly too, with constant bickering and jokes being made. Hermes in particular has some rather witty writing. The game's main conflict between Zeus and Typhon is also based on Greek myth.

Genshin Impact: Deep RPG Systems

Rainslasher Genshin Impact

Both characters and weapons can be leveled up in Genshin Impact, with both possessing a unique upgrade system that allows you to pick and choose where you upgrade your characters and arsenal.

Like most RPGs, things can get a little bit grindy at times, but the game's XP ticket system works well to alleviate some of these concerns. It also means you can have a lot more choice in how you play the game, which certainly isn't a bad thing.

Immortals Fenyx Rising: Dialogue

Fenyx Immortals Rising Fenyx and Hermes Dialogue

Immortals is the kind of game that doesn't take itself too seriously, instead opting to take a humorous approach to story-telling, with most of its characters constantly cracking jokes. This isn't to everyone's taste of course, but the nature of the world does a good job at ensuring the humor doesn't feel out of place for the most part.

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Hermes' will accompany the player for the majority of the game, and spends that whole time making jokes at every other character's expense. Just don't expect a serious take on Greek myth like Assassins Creed: Odyssey — that definitely isn't the experience Immortals Fenyx Rising offers.

Genshin Impact: Longer Play Time

Kazuha using his burst attack

Not only is Genshin Impact's main story longer than Immortals', but the constant new content also ensures that the experience will long outlive the one offered by the latter. As a result, for any players looking for longer playtime, Genshin is the obvious choice.

Coming in at around 50 to 55 hours long, Genshin's story will take up a healthy amount of time, and that's before the extra material is considered. Completionists will be looking at around 150 hours as of the game's latest version — a rather monumental challenge to take on.

NEXT: Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Genshin Impact