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At its core, Fortnite is a very competitive game that likes to test your skills at every turn. No matter what mode you're playing, in-game performance plays a huge part in your competitive experience. Moreover, if you're naturally competitive and want to gain an edge over your opponents, boosting your in-game performance is the best way to do that.

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Naturally, there's only so much you can do to improve performance beyond what your PC can manage. However, there are still certain methods and tips that can help you improve performance, FPS, and general in-game stability. Among many other things, Fortnite is also known for being user-friendly, so you shouldn't have issues tweaking its settings to your liking.

Turn On Performance Mode

Performance Mode Setting in Fortnite

Performance mode is a rendering mode option to accommodate low-end hardware. It affects how your hardware interacts with the game, and how many resources it allocates to it. This is typically in reference to GPU and CPU memory usage. Lightening the load that your rig's memory uses improves your performance even in the most performance-demanding situations. Additionally, performance mode also helps you maintain a smoother and more stable experience.

Here's how you can enable performance mode in Fortnite:

  1. Launch Fortnite.
  2. Go into your Video settings.
  3. Find the option called "Rendering Mode" and change it to "Performance - Lower Graphical Fidelity."
  4. Restart Fortnite for this change to take effect.

Keep in mind that performance mode will act according to your system and its limitations. If there are other system-related issues contributing to poor in-game performance, then even performance mode won't be able to help you. Always check if your operating system is healthy and functioning smoothly.

Best Graphic Settings

Graphic Settings in Fortnite

Another thing you should do is change your individual graphic settings in-game. Fortnite usually sets the visual settings of your game to whatever it thinks would work best with your system. The bad side of this is that these recommended settings may not always be optimal for performance or stability. Your first course of action should always be to go into your game's settings and turn down certain settings.

Seeing as some settings may not work well with different types of systems, we'll go ahead and cover the most optimal video settings for low-end and high-end hardware. Fortnite's video settings have multiple categories, but we'll only focus on and list the settings you should change.

Best Graphic Settings For Low-End Hardware

Best Graphic Settings For Low-End Hardware in Fortnite

Graphic Setting

What To Choose

Window Mode



Monitor's Native Display Resolution

Frame Rate Limit

Monitor's Refresh Rate (144hz = 144 FPS)

Rendering Mode

Performance - Lower Graphical Fidelity

3D Resolution

75% or 100%

View Distance

Near or Medium





Show FPS


Once you turn your game's rendering mode to "Performance", there won't be as many options to tweak - Fortnite does it all for you. In this case, the most essential settings are view distance, textures, and 3D resolution.

View distance and textures should be kept on the lowest setting, but you can try setting them to medium if you want more visibility in-game. 3D Resolution on the other hand determines how clear your resolution is. Setting this to 75 percent will yield more performance at the cost of visual clarity, we'd recommend personally testing both 75 and 100 percent.

Best Graphic Settings For High-End Hardware

Best Graphic Settings for High-End Hardware in Fortnite

Graphic Setting

What To Choose

Window Mode



Monitor's Native Display Resolution

Frame Rate Limit

Monitor's Refresh Rate (144hz = 144 FPS)

Rendering Mode

DirectX 12



Motion Blur


Anti-Aliasing & Super Resolution


View Distance




Global Illumination






Post Processing




Hardware Ray Tracing


Show FPS


NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency

On + Boost

All of this might seem complicated at first glance, but it's simpler than it looks. Almost every option is set to low or off when it comes to graphics. These are settings that you really don't need if you're looking for a sharp increase in performance.

NVIDIA Low Latency Setting in Fortnite

DirectX 12 will serve you better than the other rendering modes if you're playing on a high-end rig, as it can work with your system better. NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency is also crucial. It may not help with stability, but it is a game-changer when it comes to any latency-related issues that you might be experiencing.

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Turn Off High-Resolution Textures

High Resolution Textures in Epic Games Launcher

There's an option in the Epic Games Launcher that allows you to apply high-resolution textures to Fortnite. This significantly decreases your performance at the cost of visual improvements. Although visually superior, having this enabled for Fortnite takes a toll on your system. If you're looking to increase your performance, then this should be turned off. Let's show you how to disable this in the Epic Games Launcher.

  1. Open your Epic Games Launcher.
  2. Find Fortnite in your Epic Games Library.
  3. Hover over Fortnite and click on the three dots below the cover picture.
  4. Go into "Options" and uncheck "High Resolution Textures."
  5. Click "Apply" to save your changes.

Turning this off will drastically improve your performance and FPS in-game. This is sometimes enabled by default, making you think your system isn't pulling its weight, even if you match Fortnite's recommended PC specs.

Change Your Windows Power Mode

Performance Power Mode Setting for Windows 10

Most Windows computers have their power mode set to "Balanced." A balanced state of power for your PC is the recommended and default power mode setting. However, some games tend to perform better when you tweak this setting.

Here's how you can access the slider that allows you to change the power mode on Windows 10 systems:

  1. Press your Windows key (Win Key) to pull up the Windows start menu.
  2. Type "Power & Sleep settings" and press Enter.
  3. Find "Performance & Energy."
  4. Pull the slider to the right in order to change it to "Best Performance."

Having your system's power mode on "best performance" will increase the amount of power your system uses for tasks and programs. Now, enabling this on a laptop will drain your battery much quicker than if you were to have it on "balanced." Fortnite, or any game for that matter, should benefit from this change.

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Set Fortnite To High Priority In Task Manager

Changing Task Manager Priority for Fortnite

Your computer's task manager has a way of deciding which programs have priority over other tasks. You can use this option to increase the priority that Fortnite has while in-game. Obviously, this entire process will have to be done while Fortnite is running. With that said, let's see how you can do this:

  1. With Fortnite running in the background, open your Task Manager.
  2. Find Fortnite and right-click on it.
  3. Click "Go to details" and then right-click on "FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe."
  4. Navigate to the "Set priority" option and set it to "High."
  5. Press "Change priority" to save this change.

Limiting Frame Rate

Limiting Frame Rate in Fortnite

Your monitor's refresh rate plays a large part in what your FPS can offer you. Boosting your performance won't matter if your monitor's refresh rate is lower than the number of frames per second your PC outputs. That is why it's smart to limit your FPS to what your monitor can handle. Besides the obvious, limiting your frame rate in-game also aids in stabilizing the game. You'd be advised to do this even if you're playing on a high-end PC.

  1. Launch Fortnite.
  2. Go into your Video settings.
  3. Navigate to "Display", you'll see the "Frame Rate Limit" option.
  4. Set this to your monitor's refresh rate or a number that you want.

Update Graphics Driver

Updated NVIDIA GeForce Experience Graphics Driver

Your graphics drivers are monumental in keeping things stable during your countless hours playing games. Outdated drivers can cause a myriad of problems like instability, latency problems, and other performance-related issues. The process of updating these will be different depending on the brand of your GPU.

Both NVIDIA and AMD have their own ways of easily letting you update your graphics drivers at a moment's notice. For NVIDIA users, if you haven't already installed GeForce Experience, make sure to download and set it up. The "Drivers" tab in GeForce Experience allows you to update your GPU drivers.

As for AMD users, you can visit AMD's official website and manually download the latest drivers for your GPU.

Lowering Your Resolution In Fortnite

Lowering Resolution In Fortnite

One common thing that people do is lower their in-game resolution if they want more FPS. This can come in handy for players that barely meet the minimum specs to run Fortnite. A change like this boosts your FPS immensely on both low and high-end systems. If you want to do this, just go into your video settings under "Resolution" and change it to whatever you feel works best for you.

Beware, lowering your resolution is bound to make your game look terrible, especially if you're already running Fortnite on performance mode.

Verify Game Files

Verifying Game Files for Fortnite

Verifying game files is commonly done to assess if there are missing or corrupted files that may be causing your game to act weirdly. In some cases, this could induce lag or other latency-related issues. You should verify your game files regularly just to stop this from happening, and we're going to show you how:

  1. Open your Epic Games Launcher.
  2. Go into your Library and find Fortnite.
  3. Click on the three dots below the cover picture.
  4. Click "Manage" and then the "Verify" button.
  5. File verification will start immediately and lasts depending on your game's size.

Verifying your game files is more of a last-ditch effort. It may not even improve performance in most cases, but it doesn't hurt to try.

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